Ignoring Everybody is Better at a Coffee Shop
I could stay home and not pay attention to other people. It would be easy. Other people are not there... in my room I mean. But, it's much more enjoyable to ignore other people at a coffee shop. I just bring my laptop and zone out, you know? This way, I can keep track of them, in case they try to sneak up on me or grab my attention through some trickery or antics.
Sometimes I go into the crowded streets of Manhattan to avoid the clawing, needy reach of society. There, on 1st Avenue (a famous street in Manhattan), I weave through the crowd, avoiding their touch, their eye contact.
I'm king of the world.
Avert your eyes troglodyte.
Is it me, or did the Velvet Underground suck? The only song I like of there's is the Cowboy Junkies cover of Sweet Jane, which is nothing like the original. I'm pretty sure it was all Andy Warhol behind their fame.
There's a giant map of the world on the wall at the coffeeshop I'm at. It's old. Still has "The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" on it, and Yugoslavia is one country. It's a climate map, so Greenland is covered in white to represent the fact that it's covered in a glacier. I don't understand why they never got around to switching their name. It's just silly.